Therapy in New Prague, MN

A Collaborative Approach to Counseling

Collaborative Counseling provides comprehensive therapy in New Prague, MN, and surrounding communities. We help people with anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, stress, grief, parenting issues, self-esteem, life transitions, postpartum, relationship issues, and more in New Prague, MN, by supporting them through difficult times. We also teach skills that allow individuals to make changes and progress toward happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Telehealth Counseling Services For New Prague, MN

Telehealth helps you access counseling from the convenience of your home. At Collaborative Counseling we provide telemental health treatment using a HIPAA compliant, live, two-way audio/video communication video and audio platform. Telehealth allows you to meet for counseling with one of our therapists through a computer camera, smartphone or tablet.

Counseling Services Available via Telehealth:

Collaborative Counseling Most FAQs

How Do I know if I should See a Therapist?

Deciding whether or not to see a therapist is one of personal preference. If you are unsure of your preference, we recommend scheduling an initial appointment with a therapist to explore whether therapy is a good fit for you. At the initial visit your therapist will help you explore your concerns and goals and will make recommendations tailored to your needs.

How Long Are Sessions?

Sessions are typically between 45 to 60 minutes. When longer sessions are warranted, we provide 75 to 80 minute sessions as well.

How Do I Get Started?

Call us to schedule your initial visit at 763-210-9966. We are excited to hear from you!

Collaborative Counseling helps people live their lives to the fullest by supporting them through difficult times, as well as teaching skills that will allow them to make changes and progress towards a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life. Our clinicians offer counseling for all ages.

Call us at 763-210-9966 or contact us to learn more about the broad array of therapeutic services provided for New Prague, MN by our dedicated, skilled, compassionate therapists.

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Collaborative Counseling

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How to Give Feedback to a Family Member: A Delicate Balance

Giving feedback to a family member can be a tricky task. It’s a delicate balance between honesty and maintaining relationships. But with the right approach, it can lead to stronger bonds and personal growth. Here are some tips to help you navigate this sensitive situation: Choose the Right Time and Place Focus on Behavior, Not […] The post How to Give Feedback to a Family Member: A Del… [more+]