Chemical Health

Please note: At this time we are only offering individual counseling services. We do not offer assessments at this time.

Addiction counseling is a therapy service focused on helping those who are struggling to manage issues of substance-related and addictive disorders. We offer outpatient therapy focused on helping both teens and adults who want to work to establish and maintain sobriety from alcohol and/or drugs. Many people who abuse drugs or alcohol also have underlying mental health issues that trigger them to self-medication.

What is the difference in the Severity of Chemical Use Disorder?

The terms Chemical Dependency and Chemical Use Disorder are often used interchangeably to describe a person’s destructive relationship to alcohol and/or drugs. However, the new language in the DSM-V has defined Chemical Use Disorder with three levels of Severity: mild, moderate, and severe. These levels of severity are based on the number of diagnostic criteria an individual meet within a 12-month period.

Symptoms Chemical Use disorder

High-risk behavior, trouble with the law, relationship problems and loss of interest in your usual activities are signs that you may be abusing drugs or alcohol. Common signs of a person who is struggling with Chemical Use Disorder include: missing work or other obligations, getting arrested for drug or alcohol related behavior, driving drunk regularly or arguing with loved ones over drug or alcohol use.

Chemical Use Disorder may look “severe” when you have such a strong physical or psychological need for alcohol or drugs that you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it. Those struggling may often rely on drugs or alcohol to help them function in their day-to-day lives.

Chemical Use Disorder combines the most intractable elements of emotional problems with powerful ongoing biological pressure to remain in addiction. The patterns created by addiction can alter the structures of family and friendships, while permanently changing the chemical systems of the body. The process of repair and recovery can be long and at times stressful, however, there is hope in recovery!

Treatment for Substance-Use and Addictive Disorders

Therapy, usually cognitive and behavioral, plays an important role in a person’s quest for a successful recovery. When an individual has been addicted to something for any length of time, it becomes hard for them to imagine life without it. The person may even believe that without the particular drug or alcohol, they would be unable to function properly or feel normal. Chemical Health counseling helps the individual understand their addiction, as well as educating them on the adverse effects it has had on their life. Improving coping skills is another strategy, as this will help them learn to deal with stress and problems in their life without turning to alcohol or drugs. The therapist will also educate the individual on understanding and avoiding their triggers. Individuals need to be clear on the high-risk situations that make them most likely to abuse the substance again.

We Can Help

Whether you are struggling with Chemical Use Disorder on the range of mild, moderate or severe to alcohol, drugs, and other behaviors, it is important to get help. Meeting with a therapist gives you the skills you need to deal with the stresses of life without depending on drugs or alcohol. Our therapists are here to help you learn to live a sober, drug-free life by navigating common concerns including:

For more information on our counseling services and scheduling, please contact us to schedule today.

Telehealth Services

Receive all your counseling needs from the comfort of your own home with telehealth. Our online therapy sessions combine the convenience of virtual mental-health support with top-notch client service. Meeting with your therapist is easy. Log in from a tablet, smartphone, or computer from our secure platform, Zoom to start your telehealth counseling service.

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