
Our intake forms and online paperwork takes most clients about 30 minutes to read and fill out, so we recommend completing them prior to your visit. If you cannot complete them prior to your first session, please come early to allow enough time to finish them before your intake. 

We do require you to complete your intake questionnaires in our patient portal which can be found here: Collaborative Counseling Patient Portal. If you do not have an opportunity to complete your paperwork and online forms, we will spend time during your intake session to do so. If you need help setting up your portal please call us at 763-210-9966. Thank you!

Maple Grove Therapy Services Lounge Area

Required Intake Forms

All clinical intake and patient history forms can be found on Collaborative Counseling's Patient Portal by clicking here. If you need help setting up your portal please call admin support at 763-210-9966.

Formularios de Admisión Requeridos

Todos los formularios de admisión clínica y de historial del paciente se pueden encontrar en el Portal del paciente de Collaborative Counseling haciendo clic aquí. Si necesita ayuda para configurar su portal, llame al soporte administrativo al 763-210-9966.

Tenga en cuenta: no contamos con personal que hable español siempre disponible y lo invitamos a llamar con un intérprete según sea necesario.

We are happy to answer any questions you have about any of these forms. Please e-mail or call us with any questions or concerns. You and your therapist will discuss these forms during your first session.

If you do not have access to a printer for the paper forms or do not complete them prior to your visit, we have these forms available in the waiting room and just ask that you come about 15 minutes early to allow yourself adequate time to complete them. If you do not complete our online forms we will spend part of your intake session completing those documents online.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you at your first visit!

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How to Give Feedback to a Family Member: A Delicate Balance

Giving feedback to a family member can be a tricky task. It’s a delicate balance between honesty and maintaining relationships. But with the right approach, it can lead to stronger bonds and personal growth. Here are some tips to help you navigate this sensitive situation: Choose the Right Time and Place Focus on Behavior, Not […] The post How to Give Feedback to a Family Member: A Del… [more+]