
Abuse can take many forms and often can have lasting impacts long after the abuse has ended. Abuse can take many forms including physical abuse, emotional/verbal abuse, bullying and sexual abuse.

How do I know if I was or am being abused?

Here is a list of possible signs you are being abused. Some of these things are illegal and all of them are unacceptable. You may be abused if a parent, boyfriend or girlfriend, spouse, friend, boss or other person you have a relationship with someone who:

  • Makes you feel uncomfortable or afraid
  • Puts you down or makes you feel stupid or worthless
  • Prevents or discourages you from seeing friends or family
  • Prevents or discourages you from doing things that you want to do like go to work or school or suspend time with friends
  • Constantly checks up on where you are or what you are doing
  • Scares or hurts you
  • Controls how you spend your money or keeps you from having money to yourself
  • Pressures or forces you to do things that you don’t want to (sexually or otherwise)
  • Threatens to hurt you
  • Threatens to hurt themselves if you leave them
  • Makes you feel afraid to say no or disagree with them
  • Tricks you into doing things that you do not want to

Abuse is when someone tries to control another person or to hurt them physically or emotionally. If any of these things above are happening to you, it is sign you are not being treated right and you may be being abused.

One of the most significant and common impacts that many bear after being abused is shame. Shame is the feeling that one is not good enough, lovable or worthy of the things they want. Shame when left unchallenged and unchanged can be very damaging because the person often continually settles for less in their life. Therapists at Collaborative Counseling specialize in helping you to process and explore those experiences and feelings so that you can over time learn to manage and challenge feelings such as shame.

If you or someone you love has or is experiencing abuse, it is important to know that it is not your fault. Everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect.

For more information on our counseling services and scheduling, please contact us to schedule today.

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