Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is when sexual activity occurs that was not consented by both parties. Anyone can be a victim of sexual violence but most are women. Perpetrators of sexual violence are usually someone who is known to the victim.

It is hard to know what to do or how to feel after experiencing sexual violence. Please know that you are not alone. 1 in 6 women in the United States has been the victim of a completed or attempted rape. About 1 out of 3 men has been the victim of a completed or attempted rape.

Sexual violence can have long term affects on the victim including depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicide, substance abuse, relationship problems and difficulty in work or school.

If you are struggling to figure out what to do following a sexual assault, visit to learn more or call the RAINN hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE. Counseling services can also help you deal with the challenges you may face following sexual assault and to learn ways to take care of yourself.

Never forget that what happened to you is not your fault. While it can be frightening to talk about the assault it is important to get help.

For other resources in your area you can also visit:

College students can be at an even heightened risk for sexual assault. For more information on sexual assault and college crimes visit:

Another resource for learning more about sexual abuse is:

For more information on our counseling services and scheduling, please contact us to schedule today.

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