Make Your Relationship Fun Again!
Posted by Collaborative Counseling

All too often we find ourselves stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to our relationships. Comfort and routines can lead to complacency and boredom. It is normal at one time or another to feel like “spicing things up” between yourself and your partner.
To bring back the spark, a playful attitude can make things fun again. Sometimes we start to take our relationships and ourselves too seriously and we forget to let go and be playful with our partner. There are many different ways to bring play back in to your relationship but here are some examples to get you started:
- Play a board game together
- Role play in the bedroom each others’ fantasies
- Go for a hike and turn it in to an exploring adventure
- Laugh at your partner’s little jokes
- In moments of conflict, bring lightness to it by making a joke or being playful
- Make corny romantic gestures (e.g. do a dip kiss, buy flowers)
- Dance together
Try to carve out the time for some of these fun activities every once in a while and see how it can improve your attitude and your relationship. Life is too short to not have fun. Get creative in trying to bring fun and play into your relationship.
Learn more about how we can help re-ingite the spark at:
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